Karnataka has tweaked quarantine procedures for inter-condition returnees still all over again, waiving off the 3-working day institutional quarantine need for returnees from Delhi and Tamil Nadu, an official stated on Sunday.
“People coming from states other than Maharashtra shall be put in 14-working day home quarantine,” claimed N. Manjunatha Prasad, Principal Secretary, Revenue Section.
On June 15, Main Secretary T.M. Vijay Bhaskar requested 3-working day institutional quarantine, adopted by 11-day home quarantine for persons returning from Delhi and Tamil Nadu which now stands waived. On the other hand, quarantine requirements for Maharashtra returnees remains the identical.
“People coming from Maharashtra shall be positioned in 7-day institutional quarantine, adopted by 7-day home quarantine,” explained Prasad. Returnees from all other states will not have institutional quarantine but a fortnight’s dwelling quarantine.
The senior officer explained quarantine surveillance has been augmented by means of the application of technological innovation and raise in the amount of surveillance groups. In the same way, most of the circumstances mandated in the June 15 get will continue on to continue being in power.
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