“Killer bee” attack in Texas: Man (70) stabbed to death while mowing lawns – news abroad

"Killer bee" attack in Texas: Man (70) stabbed to death while mowing lawns - news abroad

A fatal bee attack occurred in the US state of Texas!

A 70-year-old man was unexpectedly attacked by aggressive Hong Bees bees – also known as “killer bees” – while mowing lawns in the town of Breckenridge, Texas. According to a firearm department Facebook post, she was stabbed multiple times and suffered a heart attack.

All the revival measures that paramedics had failed – the man died in his garden.

His wife, who was in the house, also had to be saved from a swarm of bees. A firefighter gave the widow her protective clothing and took her out of the danger zone, after which she was taken to the hospital for medical and psychological care.

Later, police officers and firefighters went door-to-door to “advise people not to use noisy devices until the bees calmed down.”

A local beekeeper would then have offered his equipment and to find the bee disposal. The reason for the aggressive behavior of bees was most likely due to vibrations by law.

Africanized honeybees attacks occur frequently in the United States. The invasive species was created by crossing European bees with African bees.

Bee was hidden in the trunk of this treePhoto: Breckenridge Fire Department

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