New search available August 2021

New search available August 2021

The new Xbox Game Pass quests for August 2021 are now available.

The new Xbox Game Pass quests for August 2021 will be available until September 6. We show you in overview what to expect this month and of course not missing the weekly overview KW 31/2021 either.

Xbox Game Pass Quest KW 31/2021 bis 10. Aug

  • Star Wars Battlefront 2: Earn 2,500 points and get 50 points.
  • Fallout 4: Play the game and get 25 points.
  • Customization: Unlocks three achievements or plays three different Xbox Game Pass games and earns 10 points.
  • Earn Achievement: Earn Achievement in Xbox Game Pass games and earn 10 points.
  • Daily Quests: Complete four Xbox Game Pass daily quests this week and earn 10 points.

Xbox Game Pass Quest August 2021 bis 6. September

  • The Hunter: Call of the Wild: (2 × 75) Kill an animal and get 150 points.
  • Inner Evil: (2 × 75) Kill seven enemies and get 150 points.
  • Kill Pinnacle: Kill 21 enemies and get 75 points.
  • ClusterTruck: Collect 10,000 Style Points and get 75 Points.
  • Game Pass Explorer: Play four different Xbox Game Pass games and earn 10 points.
  • Game Pass Adventurer: Play ten different Xbox Game Pass games and earn 25 points.
  • Play on the go: Install five games and earn 25 points with the Xbox Game Pass app for mobile devices.
  • Quest Novice: Complete four weekly Xbox Game Pass quests this month and earn 10 points.
  • Apprentice Quest: Find eight weekly Xbox Game Passes this month and earn 25 points.
  • Quest Surrender: Complete twelve daily and twelve weekly Xbox Game Pass quests this month and earn 100 points.
  • Quest Completion: Complete 45 daily and 15 weekly Xbox Game Pass quests this month and earn 1,000 points.
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Completed Xbox Game Pass quests only have to be submitted and so you start the month of August to collect more Microsoft Rewards points.

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