Sacked INC spokesperson Sanjay Jha quits AIPC Maharashtra here’s why

Sanjay Jha

Sanjay JhaIBT creative

Sanjay Jha has been the heart of headlines for his controversial articles criticizing the Congress leadership, but the outspoken senior INC leader has after yet again made the headlines with a transfer that came as a shock to the major opposition social gathering. The previous AICC spokesperson introduced on Friday that he has resigned as All India Professionals’ Congress (Maharashtra) chief.

Sashi Tharoor, Lok Sabha MP and APIC founder approved Jha’s resignation when expressing regret at the senior social gathering leader’s determination. Jha thanked Tharoor and mentioned he was happy his signature AIPCInteractive model was used by Congress.

Citing good reasons for his resignation from the put up of AIPC Maharashtra main, Jha reported his “political outspokenness conflicts with my formal placement.”

Jha taken out as INC spokesperson

Sanjay Jha on The Talk

Sanjay Jha on The ChatIBT

Jha’s most up-to-date move arrives soon after he was eliminated as an formal spokesperson of the INC. Jha had penned a crucial posting about Congress occasion, which led to his elimination from the publish. In an conversation with IBTimes, Jha had claimed “I would like to contact a spade a spade in this article and a shovel: there has been no critical exertion to get the social gathering up and operating with any sense of urgency.”

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