Arshad Warsi was shocked right after Rs 1.03 lakh was deducted from his account for the energy bill. The furious Bollywood actor went to say Adani is a ‘highway robber, who is having a very good laugh at our charge.’
Several folks throughout Maharashtra have been complaining about the insane rise in the energy monthly bill all through the lockdown period of time. Some celebs like Pulkit Samrat, Taapsee Pannu, Dino Morea, Amyra Dastur, Huma S Qureshi, Renuka Shahane, Dhoopashwini, Saumya Tandon, Raja Krishna Menon have also complained about 3 to 6 X maximize in their electric power in the recent months.
The most current Bollywood actor to be a part of this league of celebrities is none other than Arshad Warsi. But this comedy actor goes a stage ahead and hurled his anger versus the electrical energy companies. Tata Energy and Adani Electrical power Mumbai Ltd (AEML) cater to Mumbai shoppers and he launched an attack on Adani.
Arshad Warsi furious to get concept
Arshad Warsi was furious to obtain a information that states that an sum of Rs 1.03 lakh was car-debited from his financial institution account. The actor tweeted a photo of Adani and wrote, “This is my electrical power bill from the freeway robbers called ADANI, who is having a excellent chortle at our price. UPDATE: INR 1,03,564.00 debited from A/c on 05-JUL-20…”
Other than acting, portray is the enthusiasm of Arshad Warsi, but he experienced set on the back-burner thanks to the absence of time. Having self-quarantined himself throughout the lockdown period of time, the B-Town has been devoting his time to his enthusiasm for painting. He spoke about his enthusiasm in an job interview to Bombay Moments, which has revealed the posting today,
Arshad Warsi tweeted the screenshot of his job interview showcased on the homepage of Bombay Moments. He requested people today to purchase his paintings so that he can pay back this electrical power bill. He will offer his kidneys to pay the next electrical energy monthly bill. He wrote, “Thank you Rachana & @bombaytimes for the short article. Individuals make sure you buy my paintings, I need to pay my Adani electric powered bill, kidneys am keeping for the subsequent bill “
Actress Shruti Seth, who has starred in several films and Television reveals and serials, stated that he may possibly have to market two of his paintings that she owns to shell out her electrical energy invoice. She tweeted, “Yayyy!!! I am the very pleased proprietor of two of your exquisites paintings @ArshadWarsi I may possibly have to offer a single to pay out my Tata energy bill.”
Some followers responded to Arshad Warsi and said that contacting Adani Highway robbers will be an insult to robbers. Sourasubha Ghosh tweeted, “Contacting them Freeway robbers is extremely polite. Its insult to the robbers essentially. Imagine the plight of center course like us. Acquired a Monthly bill of 16.5K when normal common Costs are 2.5K.”
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