Macro and Le Pen contact each other in person

Macro and Le Pen contact each other in person

It will soon be decided whether Le Pen or Macron will rule France in the future, they are together in the election. Both are now fighting for the vote – and they don’t stop at the humiliation.

President of France Emmanuel Macron and right-wing populists Marine Le Pen Contact each other in person on the last line of the presidential campaign. “Millions of French people are convinced that the government led by Emmanuel Macron was too authoritarian, that he ruled alone and brutally,” Le Pen told BFM on Friday. For his part, Macron insisted that Le Pen “wasn’t a gentleman at all”.

While the campaigning before the first round last Sunday had been pretty poor, now the runoff election has turned two candidates hot. Macron and Le Pen give a series of interviews, in which television and radio are obliged to give them equal speaking time. They visit markets, take countless selfies with supporters and defend their program at major events.

‘Dam’ against Macron’s second term

In front of 4,000 supporters in Avignon on Thursday evening, Le Pen called for a “dam” to be built against Macron’s second term. In doing so, it appropriated a term previously used in France to refer to a broader voter coalition against right-wing extremists.

In the past week, Macron sought contact with populations in the neglected North and Alsace, where Le Pen and left-wing populists Jean-Luc Melenchon Well done He also visited a factory for wind turbines, a nod to green voters whose program lacks climate policy concepts.

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Macron weaker in elections than in 2017

“Macron wants to capture what he missed before the first round,” says Celine Braque, head of the Odoxa polling institute. “Above all, he’s trying to get rid of the image he’s sly.”

The only televised debate between Le Pen and Macron is next Wednesday. In his TV debate five years ago, Macron let his opponent go ahead. Le Pen should prepare better this time. According to the latest polls, Macron can expect 53 to 56 points in the runoff, significantly lower than the last election, which he won with 66 percent of the vote.

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