Man in Tesla does movies at full speed – he breathes what he sees

Man in Tesla does movies at full speed - he breathes what he sees
  • OfJasmine Poppich

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Autopilot is a big thing for many Tesla owners. But some took care of it. A driver has now given a shock – the network is on its own.

Ponoka (Canada) – who worries again and again Tesla model’s partially autonomous driving For the headlines. You can read about horrific accidents, reckless behavior and even deaths. Therefore, many wonder whether Tesla Autopilot really So safe and good CEO Elon Musk (49) always trusts his customers. This question arises again after the net Shocking video surfaced is.

A driver has one Highways near the town of Ponoka in Alberta, Canada One Experienced a real shock, he is right Tesla The model Old and in Passenger side window Looks There he sees The driver of the car and its passenger – but both are asleep! Instead, the couple has Autopilot active, Who has taken the wheel and tesla on consecutive 150 km / h speed in lane Carries Incredible: While the driver is resting his chin on his chest, the woman passing by has made himself comfortable on his seat and leaned back. You can read all about the incredible and calm sleep on the wheel at* * Is part of the Ippen-Digital Network

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