Police warn of new online banking scam: up to 45,000 euros in damages to those affected

Police warn of new online banking scam: up to 45,000 euros in damages to those affected

Police in West Pomerania are warning of sophisticated Internet bank fraudsters due to current events. As a police spokesman in Stralsund said on Friday, cases have been on the rise since late September in which money has gone missing from accounts in several banks without the owner realizing it.

In one case, a total of 45,000 euros disappeared from an injured side over several stages. So far, cases of affected women and men aged 41 to 68 years are known from Franzburg, Prohn, Stralsund and Ribnitz-Damgarten (West Pomerania-Rügen).

Online banking scam: This is how scammers came to know about it

Online banking users currently need to beware of a fraud scam.

Photo: Kristin Close / dpa-tmn

According to the police, the account holders usually received an email. There it is explained that your “TAN process is going on” or you have to check and personalize your data. For this purpose, users were directed directly to their bank’s actual website from a link in the email. Then the access happened with the correct login data. In some cases, the alleged bank advisor is asked to “help out”, with a phone showing the actual advisor’s detail number. It was later revealed that the original counselor was on leave.

The criminals obtained the booking data through multiple SMS messages and security numbers. Gradually, the money disappeared, and those affected only noticed when they could not access their accounts. It added that banks generally do not send emails to customers to enter their account details.

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