Survey: Increasing trust in science

Survey: Increasing trust in science

More than 80 percent of people in Germany agreed that science gives them hope for the future and 67 percent believed that science would make 2021 a better year than 2020. These insights are provided by the global “3M State of Science Index 2021” (SOSI). .

In Germany, according to the SOSI index, 85 percent (91%) of people globally agreed that the population should follow scientific knowledge and advice to prevent the spread of COVID-19. 59 percent (79% globally) are of the opinion that, thanks to science, it will be possible to return to normalcy before the pandemic in 2021. Compared to global statistics, it is striking that optimism regarding science is less widespread in Germany than in other countries.

However, compared to the pre-pandemic survey, confidence has increased by seven percentage points to 85 percent, according to the SOSI study. However, more than half of respondents expected the increased appreciation of science would not last long or were uncertain.

science should help

According to the study, 78 percent (84% globally) Germans consider a focus on sustainability as the key to returning to “pre-pandemic normality”. It is also linked to the three biggest challenges people expect science to solve: climate change 54 percent (global 47%) and plastic waste in the oceans 53 percent (global 41%).

come Compiled annually since 2018 by technology company 3M to determine how people’s attitudes toward science are changing. Data for the current results were collected in February and March 2021 in a representative survey in 17 countries.

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