Denmark: Expatriate plans 30 percent upper limit – Politics abroad

Denmark: Expatriate plans 30 percent upper limit - Politics abroad

Danish government is taking tough steps!

Social Democratic Interior Minister Kaiyar Dabwad Beck (36) wants to limit the proportion of “residents with non-Western backgrounds” to 30 percent in residential areas.

The reason, according to the ministry: If many immigrants of non-Western origin and their descendants live in certain areas, there is an increased risk that religious and cultural parallel societies will originate there.

“For years, we have turned a blind eye to such developments and worked only because of the problems of integration,” said Interior Minister Beck.

Therefore, the government wants to work to ensure that mixed residential areas are created. One of the measures to achieve this: social housing should be renovated or privatized – and thus reduced.

Three years ago, Denmark introduced a maximum migrant limit of 50 percent for residential areas.

No more “ghetto zones”

Interior Minister Beck wants to remove the controversial word “ghetto areas” from previous legislation. These have higher unemployment and migrant quotas. In addition, the crime rate is three times the national average and more than 60 percent of the population has only one primary school certificate.

So far, 15 districts have been classified as “ghetto”.

The plan of the interior minister is to be discussed with the parliamentary parties that passed the law at that time.

Background: Social Democrats lead a minority government led by Prime Minister Mette Friedrichsen (43), so they are also dependent on the opposition’s votes.

But the fact is: there is a great consensus on migration to Denmark.

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Frederickson also won the election in June 2019 as it promised a particularly strict immigration policy.

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