Hence the RTL cut off the candidates

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RTL shortlisted candidates

This is why Sven can no longer be seen in “Bauer Sucht Frau”.

RTL cut the “Bauer such Frau” candidates from the show.


Actually, “Bauer Sucht Frau” was candidate loretta Invited four applicants to his farm in northern Baden. But now only three men can be seen with the Master of Horse Management in the new episode. Reason: Candidate Sven wears tattoos that can be assigned to the right-wing scene. Since RTL strictly abstains from any right-wing extremist ideas, it already got out of wacky “Farmer is looking for wife”– Show cut out.

Four men wanted to rule Loretta’s heart: Eric (31), Sasha (37), Michael (36) and Sven (41) met her at home. One of them will no longer be seen in the season: fitness trainer Sven was cut out because of his tattoo, which features right-wing extremist symbols.

The tattoo in question went unnoticed during the preparation of the show as he had an abundance of tattoos all over his body. When they were discovered, RTL reacted quickly. Candidate Loretta was suggested as a possible candidate. She didn’t even know the meaning of the tattoo.

On TVs and already RTL+ . See “Bauer Sucht Frau” on

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