LoL League for DACH Region
Mousports unbeaten in first week of prime league
The Prime League also debuted with a new line-up in production. Photo: Prime League / Freaks 4U Gaming / DPA
Berlin At the start of the new season, a favorite emerged for the new season of the Prime League. In the opening week of the League of Legends League, the German-speaking region, defending champions Mauzports remained virtually invincible with an entirely new line-up.
“We all have the same style of play, but we still have to work on it,” said Maul ‘Solal “Enjave” Axieri in an interview after the game. “But we are very well together, so it is currently working.”
Many players on the team left mouseports for the LEC after last season. However, these have been significantly changed. Unicorns of Love even a World Cup participant from Ilyak “Ilgate” Makvachuk joined the team. In the first week, Mouz did not have much trouble, the win lasting less than 30 minutes.
GamerLegion – the only team that put their players together – also got off to a good start in the league, but faced bankruptcy against Schalke 04 Evolution on Thursday. The Royal Blues junior team had completely changed their line-up.
It looks tougher in the table at first: Five teams share second place behind Mauzport, each with a defeat.
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