Pop star Martin Hein marries singer Mela Rose

Pop star Martin Hein marries singer Mela Rose

A few months after application, Martin Hein took his Fair Rose down the aisle. Musicians share their wedding day impressions with their fans.

Pop star Martin Heim, part of the duet Fantasy, and singer Mela Rose started the year 2022 in a very special way. The Austrian wrote on Instagram on January 1, “All the questions came at 11:45 pm and I couldn’t even give the right answers. Soon we will be Mrs and Mr. Getting engaged is the beginning of the new year.

A really big wedding party was planned in late August. But the couple put the preparations on hold after Mela Rose’s father died unexpectedly in the spring. Her fiancé at the time said, “As the loss is fresh now, we didn’t want to do this to ourselves, so we’ll have to wait a little longer until the whole situation is processed.”

“Now we’re finally officially a family”

But the musicians didn’t want to wait any longer with their wedding vows. In a small circle, they made each other official vows. Both have shared the pictures of Big Day on social media. According to “Frezzit Review”, the singer’s father was very close to her, with a photo in the bride’s bouquet.

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