The “dangerous politics” of the United States: China’s announcement to President Joe Biden

The "dangerous politics" of the United States: China's announcement to President Joe Biden

China has called on the US to end its policy of “demonic” and promoting a people’s republic.

Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Xie Feng, 57, at a meeting with US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman, 72, in the eastern Chinese metropolis of Tianjin: “We call on the United States to change its highly misguided mindset and dangerous policies.” It seems that there is a campaign to bring down China.

China has become an “imaginary enemy” in the minds of Americans. The hope may be that the United States seeks to divert attention from its structural problems by “demonizing” the People’s Republic, Zi Feng continued. Relations between the two states are in “serious difficulties”.

Sherman, 78, is the highest-ranking US government representative since President Joe Biden, who has traveled to China. Talks were also going on with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (67) on his program.

Vice Foreign Minister Sherman (USA) and Xie Feng (China) met in TianjinPhoto: Tingshu Wang/Reuters

As a precaution due to the pandemic, the talks will not be held in Beijing, but in the city of Tianjin, 130 km from the capital.

Relations between China and the US are tense. There are disputes over trade issues, allegations of hacking, human rights abuses, territorial claims to Hong Kong and China.

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