what a body! Andrea Berg wows fans in short glitter dress

what a body!  Andrea Berg wows fans in short glitter dress

Well, if that wasn’t a successful merger! matt kelly (43) and Roland Kaiser (70) sang an excellent duet with his song “Why didn’t you say” – in the true sense of the word. The two hit stars were awarded five gold medals for their hit, which sold no less than 750,000 copies. Roland Kaiser writes of a photo, “A big thank you to my good friends @maite_kelly and Götz von Sydow who composed this wonderful song together in 2014, and of course to you too.” Shows hand.

Fans are excited and congratulate both of them. Among other things the comments stated, “This duet is one of the most beautiful German-language hits to my knowledge.” and an attentive follower remembers them 70 year old hit icon One more thing: “…and now, don’t forget to fulfill the promise made to Might: she’s going on tour on November 23 and is expected to have a “surprise visit” at her concert. Towards Roland Kaiser There’s been no response yet, so fans will have to wonder next year.

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