That’s why GZSZ star Valentina Pahde keeps her relationship status a secret

That's why GZSZ star Valentina Pahde keeps her relationship status a secret

gala talk

That’s why GZSZ star Valentina Pahde keeps her relationship status a secret

protect your privacy, that is GZSZ actress Valentina Pehde High priority and hence it is not surprising that nothing is known about their relationship status till date. In the video, she explains in an interview to gala presenter Annika Lau what’s behind it.

GZSZ actress Valentina Pahde and gala presenter Annika Lau


GZSZ , Actress Valentina Pehde Known for guarding her personal life and not answering questions about her relationship status. 27 year old sticks to it GZSZ Actress consequent

Of course, this is very tiring for him, but Actress Valentina Pehde Wants to protect not only her family and her inner circle, but also those around her who don’t want to be in public. “You have to accept and respect it”. The actress simply lives her life and already shows a lot of personal things. But not everything. “There’s got to be a little magic too.” she cheats Presenter Annika Lau at the gala on TV.

RTL+ . Pre-watch new episodes of GZSZ on

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