AMD: CEO Lisa Su speaks about HPC vision at Computex

Image: AMD

At Computex 2021, Computex 2021 Hybrid, CEO Dr. Lisa Su in a live stream about the future of high-performance computing on June 1, with the Epic and Instinct series at the “HPC” division, AMD. The keynote speaker is for early risers and aims to outline AMD’s future HPC ecosystem.

Epic and Instinct’s future

AMD President and CEO Drs. Lisa Sue about AMD’s future plans in terms of “high-performance computing (HPC)” and his vision for HPC and server CPUs from the Epic series and HPC GPUs from the Instinct series, possibly the upcoming Threadiper offshoot , tell. “AMD Accelerating – The High-Performance Computing Ecosystem” is the keynote speaker for 4 am in this country.

The next step is called Exascale

It was not until March that AMD introduced the third generation of the Epic 7003 (“Milan”) server CPU and already provided information at CES 2021 on future plans for the “High-Performance Computing (HPC) and AMD” division , Which includes the help of AMD Instinct Mi 100 based on cDNA architecture and is on the way to supercomputer El Capitan Exascale.

Under hashtag # COMPUTEX2021 AMD will broadcast the digital live event through its official Twitter account @ AMD And on the Computex YouTube channel.

More information about AMD’s presence at Computex 2021 can be found in the official Press release company. A day before AMD, Intel will talk about HPC and data centers in Computex 2021.

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The organizers have more information official website Computex 2021 summarized.

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