Energy crisis: Gazprom announces another halt in Nord Stream 1 deliveries | – News

Energy crisis: Gazprom announces another halt in Nord Stream 1 deliveries | - News

Thus: 08/19/2022 6:34 PM

No gas is to flow through the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline towards Germany for three days at the end of August.

Gazprom has announced the closure of the entire Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline for three days from the end of August. There will be no gas flow to Germany from August 31 to September 2 due to “a series of routine maintenance work”, the Russian energy company announced on Friday. After that 33 million cubic meters of natural gas should be transported daily. This corresponds to 20 percent of the daily maximum production, for which Russia reduced deliveries a few weeks ago. As of mid-July, no gas had flowed through the Baltic Sea pipeline for ten days due to maintenance work.

Putin agrees to inspect Zaporizhia NPP

Russian President Putin and French President Macron have called for an early inspection by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) amid the ongoing attacks on the site of Ukraine’s Zaporizhia nuclear power plant. According to a Kremlin statement, the two heads of state demanded that IAEA inspectors inspect the power plant “as soon as possible”. Following reports of Russian plans to disconnect the nuclear power plant from the Ukrainian power grid, there are also growing concerns about Ukraine’s electricity supply. The phone call between Macron and Putin was the first direct exchange between the two heads of state since late May.

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NDR Info | current | 08/19/2022 | at 11:00

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